
Zoom mayor's newspaper on our multipass



In brief , MULTISERVICE CARDS : From fiction to reality

carte-de-vie-quotidienneStraight out of a science fiction film, the MultiPass, technically known as the Multiservice Card, is now a reality. These cards provide access to all local authority services (public transport, media libraries, swimming pools, waste collection centres, car parks, municipal buildings, canteen cards, etc.). They make it easier for citizens to access services, while saving local authorities money (if only on the number of cards issued, reduced to one per person).

AMC and benefits for the community

AMCThe MultiPass, as designed by OTIPASS, the French leader in the digitisation of territorial passports and a pioneer in MultiPass systems, is intended to be a practical tool for local authorities, with a citizen portal for citizens, a card and a mobile application to use their smartphone as a pass, and a back-office for local authority staff that enables them to register users and send them emails or push notifications on the beneficiary mobile application, depending on the services they have subscribed to and in strict compliance with the RGPD. The OTIPASS Multiservices platform complies with the AFNOR AMC (Application Multiservices Citoyenne) standard and is available in the UGAP catalogue!

What are the advantages of the Multipass for citizens and the planet?

The advantages of the multipassIn addition to considerably reducing the number of cards and therefore having a positive ecological impact (it is estimated that 170 million plastic cards are issued in France each year to access public services), it also facilitates access to services. You only need to subscribe to one card. The "tell us once" principle is finally being applied!

Use Case - SAM'Pass in Sète!

_rvj0314.pngb SAM'Pass press conference, from left to right: Florence Sanchez, Sète Agglopôle, Pablo Rousselet, OTIPASS, François Commeinhes, President of Sète Agglopôle. (source: J-M. Philipon).

Launched on 8 January 2024, the SAM'Pass is Sète Agglopôle Méditerrannée's multiservice card. Residents find it very practical, and the project has already been awarded a trophy for digital citizen uses by the ADCET association, which is responsible for governance of the AMC standard. It's likely that we'll be seeing local authorities deploying MultiPasses in the years to come! It is the ideal political product for promoting the services provided by towns, communities of communes, conurbations and metropolises

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